Seven Points of Mind Training

From Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving Kindness
By Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
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Point 6 : Disciplines of Mind Training

32: Don't wait in ambush.

Point Six : Don't wait in ambush.
Commentary :
The Tibetan version of this slogan literally says, "Don't ambush," that is, wait for somebody to fall down so that you can attack. You are waiting for that person to fall into the trap or problem you want or expect. You want them to have that misfortune, and you hope that misfortune will take place in a way which will allow you to attack.
If you are having a disagreement with somebody, you don't usually attack him or her right away because you don't want to be in a powerless position. Instead, you wait for him to fall apart, and then you attack him. Sometimes you pretend to be his adviser, and you attack him in that disguise, point to him how wretched he is. You say, "I have been waiting to tell you this. Now that you are falling apart completely, I am going to take the opportunity to tell you that you are not so good. I am in much better shape than you are." That is a sort of opportunism, a bandit's approach. That bandit's approach is the meaning of waiting in ambush, which happens quite frequently.